Practice Guides2020-07-29T15:18:35-04:00


These practice guides are designed to help developers explore ATiM’s expansive customizable abilities. Click on the links in the titles to find out more. 
pluginTitleDescriptionkey wordsphoto(s)
Clinical Annotation - ParticipantAllow users without confidential acces to create participantAllow user being part of a group with no access to confidential information to create a participant using a specific form gathering a list limited to 'no-confidential' fields to complete.confidential|format|AtimStructure5
Clinical Annotation - ParticipantDisplay next Participant Identifier as default valueMake ATiM system in charge of the creation of the next default value for field 'Participant.participant_identifier' to display it to the users. Value can be saved as is or changed by user in form before to save it.Identifier|finalOptions2
Clinical Annotation - ParticipantGenerate Participant IdentifierMake ATiM system in charge of the creation of the Participant.participant_identifier.identifier|postsave|presave3
Clinical Annotation - ParticipantSet the Vital Status of the participant to deceased if the date of death is not emptyUpdate automatically the participant 'Vital Status' to 'Deceased' when the user set a 'Date of Death' and forget to change the 'Vital Status'.beforeValidate|presave2
Clinical Annotation - ParticipantValidate Last Chart Checked Date is less or equal to the current dateValidate that the 'Last Chart Checked Date' is less or equal to the current date or generated an error.validates|presave2
Clinical Annotation - ParticipantCalculate Participant BMIAdd 2 fields to participant profile form Height and Weight and add code to calculate participant BMI (kg/m2) automatically based on values entered in previous fields.validates|beforesave|presave2
Clinical Annotation - ParticipantCreate a participant creation workflow from profile to consentSpeed up the participant creation process creating a Participant Creation Workflow redirecting user to the 'Health Card' creation form then to the creation of the first active consent just after the record of a new participant profile.getInstance|atimFlash|finalOptions4
Clinical Annotation - Participant & ConsentList all consents in participant profile detail formSpeed up the participant creation process creating a Participant Creation Workflow redirecting user to the 'Health Card' creation form then to the creation of the first active consent just after the record of a new participant profile.AtimStructure|finalOptions |Structures1
Clinical Annotation - Participant HistoryDisplay detail information into Participant HistoryDisplay the detail information of some tables in the Participant History page (3 examples)chronology|annotation|history3
Clinical Annotation - EventCalculate Body Mass Index In Annotation Follow Up FormCreate an event to calculate the bmi of participant in Annotation formbmi|body|mass3
Clinical Annotation - Reproductive HistoryNo more than one reproductive history per participantDon't allow user to create more than one reproductive history per participantWarning2
Application SetupChange atim install from debug mode to user modeChange ATiM installation from debug mode to user mode to hide debug kit and any developper warning, and force system to create cache and use cacheinstallation|setup|debug2
Application SetupChange atim install from test to prodChange to do to move the ATiM install from Test to Prodinstallation|mode|test|prod2
Application SetupChange atim install nameChange the ATiM install name to the name of a bank or research axis or institutioninstallname2
Inventory Management - AliquotLet atim generate aliquot barcode with specific formatMake ATiM in charge for the creation of the barcodebarcode2
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