Clinical Annotation - Participant | Allow users without confidential acces to create participant | Allow user being part of a group with no access to confidential information to create a participant using a specific form gathering a list limited to 'no-confidential' fields to complete. | confidential|format|AtimStructure | 5 |
Clinical Annotation - Participant | Display next Participant Identifier as default value | Make ATiM system in charge of the creation of the next default value for field 'Participant.participant_identifier' to display it to the users. Value can be saved as is or changed by user in form before to save it. | Identifier|finalOptions | 2 |
Clinical Annotation - Participant | Generate Participant Identifier | Make ATiM system in charge of the creation of the Participant.participant_identifier. | identifier|postsave|presave | 3 |
Clinical Annotation - Participant | Set the Vital Status of the participant to deceased if the date of death is not empty | Update automatically the participant 'Vital Status' to 'Deceased' when the user set a 'Date of Death' and forget to change the 'Vital Status'. | beforeValidate|presave | 2 |
Clinical Annotation - Participant | Validate Last Chart Checked Date is less or equal to the current date | Validate that the 'Last Chart Checked Date' is less or equal to the current date or generated an error. | validates|presave | 2 |
Clinical Annotation - Participant | Calculate Participant BMI | Add 2 fields to participant profile form Height and Weight and add code to calculate participant BMI (kg/m2) automatically based on values entered in previous fields. | validates|beforesave|presave | 2 |
Clinical Annotation - Participant | Create a participant creation workflow from profile to consent | Speed up the participant creation process creating a Participant Creation Workflow redirecting user to the 'Health Card' creation form then to the creation of the first active consent just after the record of a new participant profile. | getInstance|atimFlash|finalOptions | 4 |
Clinical Annotation - Participant & Consent | List all consents in participant profile detail form | Speed up the participant creation process creating a Participant Creation Workflow redirecting user to the 'Health Card' creation form then to the creation of the first active consent just after the record of a new participant profile. | AtimStructure|finalOptions |Structures | 1 |
Clinical Annotation - Participant History | Display detail information into Participant History | Display the detail information of some tables in the Participant History page (3 examples) | chronology|annotation|history | 3 |
Clinical Annotation - Event | Calculate Body Mass Index In Annotation Follow Up Form | Create an event to calculate the bmi of participant in Annotation form | bmi|body|mass | 3 |
Clinical Annotation - Reproductive History | No more than one reproductive history per participant | Don't allow user to create more than one reproductive history per participant | Warning | 2 |
Application Setup | Change atim install from debug mode to user mode | Change ATiM installation from debug mode to user mode to hide debug kit and any developper warning, and force system to create cache and use cache | installation|setup|debug | 2 |
Application Setup | Change atim install from test to prod | Change to do to move the ATiM install from Test to Prod | installation|mode|test|prod | 2 |
Application Setup | Change atim install name | Change the ATiM install name to the name of a bank or research axis or institution | installname | 2 |
Inventory Management - Aliquot | Let atim generate aliquot barcode with specific format | Make ATiM in charge for the creation of the barcode | barcode | 2 |